February 11 2017

Trump attacks on judiciary raise safety concerns for judges (KOMO News)

Federal lawmakers push to allow politics in the pulpit (KOMO News)

Democrats seek investigation into national security adviser (KOMO News)

Majority Of Trump Voters Believe In “Bowling Green Massacre” (The Young Turks)

Report: Trump Advisor Lied About Russia (The Young Turks)

Report: Trump Advisor Lied About Russia (The Young Turks)

CNN Host To Kellyanne Conway: Why Does Trump Lie So Much? (The Young Turks)

The REAL Reason the U.S. Wants War with Iran, Standing Rock News, Capitalism Failing (Redacted Tonight) Real news delivered by comedians. The information is good but some might find the delivery offensive.

Pentagon Failed To Report THOUSANDS Of Airstrikes (The Jimmy Dore Show) Real news delivered by a comedian. The information is good but some might find the delivery offensive.

American Income Inequality Perfectly Explained (Mark Blyth Interview) (The Jimmy Dore Show) Real news delivered by a comedian. The information is good but some might find the delivery offensive.

What Trump Voters Know That The Democrat Elite Don’t! (Mark Blyth Interview) (The Jimmy Dore Show) Real news delivered by a comedian. The information is good but some might find the delivery offensive.

Economic Collapse & Why There Is No Accountability (Mark Blyth Interview) (Mark Blyth Interview) (The Jimmy Dore Show) Real news delivered by a comedian. The information is good but some might find the delivery offensive.

Defunding Government Backfires On Wealthy. (Mark Blyth Interview) (The Jimmy Dore Show) Real news delivered by a comedian. The information is good but some might find the delivery offensive.