Where Are We?

  1. Folks tell you that you shouldn’t pile those mineral spirit paint thinner rags in the corner. There can be spontaneous combustion. Any other way will cost more and take more effort than using paint thinner and throwing the cleaning rags in the corner. Continue piling the rags in the corner.
  2. You wake up during the night thinking you smell smoke. You don’t see anything. Go back to sleep.
  3. You wake up later, thinking you smell smoke. The room seems a bit hazy but you don’t see any fire. Go back to sleep.
  4. You wake up later, smell smoke and see some flames over in the corner. You consider getting the fire extinguisher, but it cost 50 bucks and refilling it will cost yet more. Go back to sleep.
  5. You wake up later. It’s really hot and you see fire all around you. You think it may be time to use the fire extinguisher.
  6. You don’t wake up any more.

Is Climate Change really a threat? We are at 4.



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