It Takes a Village

Dear Ms Clinton,

It Takes a Village. Do you remember that? Long ago, you wrote it and you said it.

You said that society has a shared responsibility for raising children.

At the 1996 Democratic convention, you said that you wanted to talk about what matters most in our lives: children and families. Are you still interested in that?

What are children learning in your village?

  • They are learning that lies are acceptable when they are the means to the desired end.
  • They are learning that cheating is not only acceptable, it is rewarded.
  • They are learning that doing illegal things is not only acceptable, but can be done with impunity.
  • They have learned that bribery is acceptable as long as the bribe is large enough.
  • They are learning that if someone has something that you want, taking it is acceptable.
  • They are learning that anyone who disagrees with you can be taken away.
  • They are learning that gratuitous accusation is acceptable if it is effective in neutralizing an opponent.
  • They are learning that being caught in wrongdoing should be merely dismissed as irrelevant.
  • They are learning that conquering other countries is not only acceptable, but is the preferred method to keep the military industrial establishment employed and profitable.
  • They are learning that people, including the children, in other lands are expendable. If they are not American, they are merely collateral damage or a simple mistake. Their own village may be erased, as might be their families, or even themselves. It doesn’t matter.
  • They are learning that their own family is expendable if their way of life interferes with corporate profits.
  • They are learning that the future habitability of our planet is subsidiary to profits.
  • They are learning that speaking, writing, and acting sincerely is an impediment to success.
  • They are learning to consider their own success before considering anything or anyone else.

I really don’t like your village. The children and I are leaving now.


The Dawn of a New American Era

In the past year, we in the US have been given a lot to see, hear, and think about.

Some of it may not be what it seems. Some of it may be much more complex than it appears. Some of it may be deceptively simple.

The citizens of the US are faced with difficult choices that may affect our future for generations. The Presidential Primary Season is officially over, but that has been just the surface of what we must explore, decide, and turn into action.

In these articles, we will explore current political and social events and topics in the US, how they affect us now and in the future, and what we can do to guide America into a future that will be bright for all of us.

Harrison Wells