An Infestation of Roaches

The current situation has existed for a long time, although ebbing and flowing as control attempts come and go. This 1889 drawing by Joseph Keppler for Puck (magazine) depicts the corporations being in charge of the Senate.

Like an infestation of roaches, it is thought to have been eradicated by the time night falls and we go to sleep, only to be found revived when we wake up and turn on the lights.

However, worse than unsuccessfully eradicating the infestation, we even support the roaches when they overpopulate and their colony is in danger. Somehow, the roaches have deceived us into believing that, although they are eating the food in our kitchen cabinets, they are essential to us. There is a history of the corporations collapsing the economy and the people upon whom they have tread bailing them out.

This power, corporate power and the extreme wealth that controls it, is the Fascist Regime we must overcome. The antics of Trump, the healthcare debacle, Russia, White House staff debacles, and endless irrational tweeting are the diversion, not the undertaking of the regime. It’s like walking into the kitchen and seeing a moth flying about (yes, a stretch to consider the moth was put there by the roaches, but otherwise, the metaphor works), concentrating on eliminating the moth, and overlooking the cabinet under the sink that is alive with roaches.

Meanwhile, the real regime is working as fast as possible to sell public assets to themselves, institute a police state, and eliminate our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution (well, except the one about owning guns, which will go away too as soon as the Regime feels threatened by the serfs) and broached in the Declaration of Independence, in the name of liberty.

The roaches are like the Terminator. Defeat has only been and probably will continue to be temporary, they’ll be back. The struggle is an epic one that we can’t afford to lose.

Don’t fall for the diversion. Concentrate on the roaches.





One thought on “An Infestation of Roaches”

  1. Maybe alternative metaphor for roach distraction – new puppy peeing all over the kitchen floor daily?

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